Therapeutic Asana:

Posture Focus Intensives


8 Saturdays from 2-5pm

Monthly beginning January 2009


with Joyce Anue, MS, PT




Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126


408-283-0221 x27



to the One Truth
known by many names



This class will be offered at the
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126






  • January 24th  Standing Poses: Stability & Spaciousness
  • February 28th  Back Bends: Vulnerability and Strength
  • March 21st  Forward Bends: Surrender and Support
  • April 18th  Twists: Turning Oneself Around
  • May 16th  Restorative and Yoga Nidra
  • June 13th  Passive and Active Inversions
  • July 25th  Arm Balances and Core Stabilization
  • August 22nd  Chakras and Asana

In addition to learning and integrating principles of practice of the groups of postures that we are studying each month, we will also see how yoga philosophy is inextricably tied to our asana practice. These workshops are largely experiential (90%) and are designed to help you deepen in your own personal practice as well as gain a better understanding of how to build, sequence and if you're a teacher how to teach these postures.

Instructor: Joyce Anue, MS,PT
Credits: 25 (Required for 500hr)
Pre-requisites: open to all teachers and practitioners with two years regular practice
Registration:; 408-402-YOGA



Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
1146 University Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 • 408-283-0221


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