YES ~ Yoga Educational Seminars 


Compassion in Action

Therapeutic Applications of Yoga Asana





Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126


408-283-0221 x17



to the One Truth
known by many names



This class will be offered at the
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126




Yoga Therapy In Practice
Professional Training for Yoga Teachers
A Seven-Day Residential Program
October 2009

Open to current yoga teachers with at least one year teaching experience or students who have completed a minimum of two weekend sessions in Therapeutic Applications of Yoga. Admission to this course requires a submitted application and is subject to the approval of the director.

Course content includes:
  • Designing and Implementing Yoga Therapy Sessions
  • Yoga for Students with Cancer and Chronic Illness
  • Yoga and Ayurveda (advanced applications)
  • Yoga for Seniors
  • Yoga for Emotional Health & Women's Needs
  • Yoga for Kids

    Fee: $900 (Tuition Only, additional fee for room and board)
    Instructors: Joyce Anue, Scott Blossom, Cheri Clampett Borda, guests
    Credits: 55 (REQUIRED for 500 hr)
    Date: October 2009 (Bay Area Location TBD)



    Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
    1146 University Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 • 408-283-0221


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