Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126


408-283-0221 x27



to the One Truth
known by many names



This class will be offered at the
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126





YTT Assistantship


Begins March 21, 2009

continues monthly thru November


Instructors: Carol Knight, Sundari Jensen & Joyce Anue


An opportunity for YES Level One graduates and qualified yoga teachers to be involved in yoga teacher education, mentoring and continue their own professional growth. 


With supervision from the director and YES faculty, assistantship teachers hone their skills and learn how to provide effective and appropriate support and feedback for students.


Assistants spend six+ hours per weekend with level one teacher trainees.  This program provides the opportunity for individual and small group dialogue, networking, visioning and problem solving with peers and mentors in the yoga community.



  • Teaching Techniques of Yoga: Asana, Pranayama and Bandha

  • Observation and Posture Modification

  • Conscious Touch and Adjustments

  • Ethics, Emotions & Healthy Boundaries in Teaching

Assistants spend 1.5 hours Saturday afternoons with instructors in preparations for the Sunday morning asana sessions with the whole group from 9am-12N. Assistants depart after lunch and a brief meeting at approximately 2 pm.



  • ELECTIVE: 50 Credits

  • FEE: $1200 ($900 if registered by Jan 15)

  • INSTRUCTORS: Carol Knight & Sundari Jensen with Joyce Anue

  • LOCATION: Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

  • DATES & TIMES: see outline below


Level Two Hatha Yoga Teachers click here to register for this course as a part of your 500hr Certification Training




  • March 21-22

  • April 18-19

  • May 16-17

  • June 27-28

  • July 18-19

  • August 15-16

  • September 19-20

  • October 17-18

  • November 14-15



Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
1146 University Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 • 408-283-0221


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