The Radiant Path of Self- and God-Realization:

The Undivided Life


Essence of the Yoga Sutra

Tuesdays, April 8-29, 2008  ~  7-9pm


with Rev. Ellen Grace O'Brian



April 8 -29, 2008
7 to 9 pm


To register:

(408) 283-0221 x30

By web:
(click calendar link) 



8 CEU credits available
at $105, which meets
the requirements
for MFT, LCSW.


This class will be offered at the
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126





Just beneath the shadows of this life is God’s wondrous Light. The universe is a vast temple of God’s presence. When you meditate, you will find doors opening to God everywhere.
~Paramahansa Yogananada

Seekers who yearn for a clear, concise, direct teaching regarding spiritual practice will find Patanjali's Yoga Sutra to be an invaluable guidebook to happiness, freedom, and peace. The goal of this practice is liberation of consciousness and an enlightened understanding of the soul, the human psyche, and the means for transforming our personality and character. Each evening will include lecture, study, discussion, and spiritual practices to cultivate even-mindedness, contentment, wisdom and compassion.

PRE-REQUISITES: this course is open to all sincere seekers

NOTE: YTT 500hr will also meet on Tuesday, May 6, 6-9pm



Required - 15 Credits - $100 Reg Fee + Free Will Offering


Level Two Hatha Yoga Teachers click here to register for this course as a part of your 500hr Certification Training



Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
1146 University Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 • 408-283-0221


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