"That gift, which is made to one from whom no return is expected, with the feeling that it is one’s duty to give and which is given in the proper place and time and for a worthy purpose, that gift is considered to be good."
—Bhagavad Gita 17.20
The essential services provided by the CSE ministry, which assist hundreds of people throughout the year in countless ways, are offered freely. This method of conscious generosity, with its emphasis on giving by making teachings and services freely available, is an integral part of our spiritual philosophy and practice. This application of the philosophy allows the community to witness and participate in the prospering activity of divine grace in the Center’s work over time. We can see that it is possible to orient our lives towards giving and that this way of living is indeed supported. It is considered part of our spiritual practice because giving and selfless service is a basic step in everyone’s journey of awakening. Giving for the benefit of others is necessary as we begin to expand our potential beyond the limits of self, and self-interest.
CSE’s pledging program provides a spiritually sound method for individuals to practice conscious generosity and to open to a fuller expression of their potential. It provides a way that is steady, a context that is based on commitment rather than whim, and an avenue that is selfless. Pledging supports our good intentions and puts prospering energy into motion for the well-being of all. We pledge because we know it is the right thing to do and like our other spiritual practices, we do it consistently, mindfully, and with care. It is a promise that we make to ourselves, and to others, in the form of a dynamic intention that sets good into motion.
If you already pledge, we invite you to continue to participate in this conscious generosity program through sharing your financial resources regularly. PLEASE NOTE: If your pledge donations are processed via credit card charges, your current pledge will remain in effect for the same amount in the coming year unless you instruct us to change it.
If your pledge donations were made by cash or check, please complete a new pledge card annually indicating the amount of your commitment. Consider offering your regular pledge automatically through the use of your credit card. It is secure and reliable. This method supports regular giving and is especially helpful to CSE.
Click here to download a printable version of the pledge card to complete and mail to the Center.
Click here to set-up a pledge through your CSE profile.
- Enter pledge amount.
- Select "Make my donation recurring"
- Choose "Annual", "Monthly", or "Quarterly"
- Complete payment information
- See example below

Pledging is an opportunity to consciously commit to sharing financial resources in order to directly participate in the vision of an awakened world and the services that CSE provides. Pledgers are sent annual statements acknowledging their donations and may change or update their pledge commitment at any time.
Your contribution in support of the services offered by CSE is welcomed.
If you have any questions about pledging or would like support, please contact Rev. Claire Hayes at 408-775-8471 or email