Saturday 01/18/2025
The invitation to realize oneness, to experience divine love and support, is always there, but sometimes we miss it. We get distracted, worried, or too self-concerned to consider that something magnificent is going on. There is.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 01/19/2025
The divine Friend continually invites us to see a larger view of this life we are living. Clues and prompts are everywhere. When we pay attention, we find It. Something holy. Divine.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 01/20/2025
Being authentic, true to our divine Self, is more important than we might ever have imagined. It is the key to our aliveness.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 01/21/2025
Grace is essential for experiencing and living an awakened life. Though our efforts are crucial, spiritual progress does not occur purely through them. It’s the winning combination of self-effort and divine grace that assures an awakened life.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 01/22/2025
We can be so involved in what attracts or concerns us that we forget our actual purpose in life and what really matters. It’s not just doing or accomplishing that is important. Whatever we do is an avenue for Spirit to express, for the inner light to be revealed. That really matters.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 01/23/2025
We all have hints that there is more to us, more to life—something greater, vaster, richer, and more profound. This inclination to look for “something more” is the soul seeking to realize itself. Be like a miner following a vein of gold; follow that inclination to its source.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 01/24/2025
Refuge is always at hand. By letting go of the idea that we are separate from the One, we find shelter from any storm. The winds of worries and fears cannot enter the soul’s fortress of peace.
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian