Daily Inspiration Archive
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Saturday 01/20/2024 We affirm our soul's path when we honor our ancestors. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Sunday 01/21/2024 When all that we do, all that we encounter, everyone, and everything is for the sake of God-realization, the attachment to particular outcomes falls away. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Monday 01/22/2024 When the only outcome desired is spiritual awakening, whatever happens in our life can serve that purpose. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Tuesday 01/23/2024 Everything that happens is potential energy toward spiritual awakening if we use it to burn away ignorance. When we react with anger, we reject the available energy, push it away from us, and deprive ourselves of that opportunity. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Wednesday 01/24/2024 In our work for God, we step into the stream of grace. With attachment to the results of our actions, we step out of it, removing ourselves from the flow of guidance and inspiration that is continually available to the surrendered heart. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Thursday 01/25/2024 Drinking from the soul’s well daily, one is not driven to seek gratification elsewhere. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Friday 01/26/2024 Only that which is founded in Truth and emanates Love has lasting value. This is true of all actions, relationships, and teachings. Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian