Living for the Sake of the Soul by Ellen Grace O'Brian is a vibrant collection of sayings, insights, and inspirations for spiritually conscious living every day.

Living for the Sake of the Soul: Paperback: 216 pages, $16 Publisher: CSE Press – 2016 ISBN: 978-0-692-77799-2 Orders of 10 or more copies qualify for a discount. Send an inquiry to
| | Drawn from the well of ancient Vedic wisdom and brought into the context of our 21st century lives, every page offers an irresistible invitation to live the awakened life—to discover the true happiness and fulfillment that naturally accompanies realization of our essential Self. Over twenty themes include: The Soul-Guided Life; The Flowering of Self-Knowledge; Inner Peace and Life Well Lived; and Everyday Enlightenment. Living for the Sake of the Soul can be helpful to all readers who sincerely endeavor to live effectively and fervently aspire to be spiritually enlightened. –Roy Eugene Davis, from the Foreword. ORDER NOW
What others are saying about Living for the Sake of the Soul…
It is a pleasure to welcome this collection. Some of the entries are good reminders; others are fresh usable insights; and some rise to the level of mahavakya—a great utterance worthy of retention and revisiting. It is a collection to savor.”
– Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation, How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
A spiritual seekers companion book, Living for the Sake of the Soul is a daily potent reminder to look for that which is eternal amidst the non-eternal that surrounds us. This book is blessed with the profound wisdom and spiritual grace emanating from author Yogacharya Ellen O’Brian’s consciousness. A must read for all who plan to grow spiritually and also help others grow spiritually, this book is a valuable contribution to global Vedic spiritual heritage.
– Acharya Shunya Pratichi Mathur, Vedic Scholar and Author. Spiritual Director, Vedika Global, Foundation for the Living Wisdom of Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedanta
I am whole and I exclude nothing. I am now here. I swim in the radiance of me and I am desperately searching for me—foolish me! Wake up to the ever present truth and dance in joy, it's already late. These are thoughts that Yogacharya Ellen Grace O' Brian's contemplative prose poem “Living for the sake of the Soul” evokes in me. A masterly composition for daily meditation!
– Swami Bodhananda Sarasvati, Chairman, Sambodh Foundation INDIA & The Sambodh Society Inc. USA
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian is the spiritual director of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, a meditation center in the tradition of Kriya Yoga. She is the author of several books including Living the Eternal Way: Spiritual Meaning and Practice for Daily Life and A Single Blade of Grass: Finding the Sacred in Everyday Life. Her work brings the timeless, universal wisdom of the Vedas out of ancient India and into the modern lifestyle of seekers of all faiths who yearn for more spiritually-conscious, fulfilled way of life.