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When the Heart Speaks: Meeting the Guru
- Meeting the Guru is the way to meet one’s own Self. Knowing that we are one ultimate reality and that we are expressions of that.
The Dharmic Life
- A spiritually conscious life is a Dharmic Life. Dharmic living is spiritually conscious, purposeful, inspired and creative living.
Stop Struggling and Start Living
- Open up yourself to a happy and fulfilled life through meditation and practicing the principles of spiritual living.
Gratitude for the Teacher
- A time when we honor our Guru’s (Teachers) for their divine love and guidance. Guru’s help us realize who we are and what God is.
Polish the Gem of Awareness with Meditation
- Meditation allows us to have that divine experience every day. A connection to God and all life.
Fall in Love with Your Life
- Accepting life in all it’s aspects opens the door to experiencing the unconditional joy of the soul.
Opening to Grace
- There is divine unfolding going on all the time in everybody’s life. When we are open, awake and aware life is filled with grace.
Meditate & Experience Wholeness
- One can experience wholeness through meditation. To live your fullest tune into it.
Three Best Practices for Living Your Divine Life Now
- Today is the day for spiritual practice and self-care, Not tomorrow, today.
Drop by Drop: Fill Your Life with Goodness
- Lasting change begins with real intention. Three simple practices that relate to our physical, mental and spiritual nature.
Better than Good: Discern What is Truly Beneficial
- A grace filled life requires discipline. The discipline helps us discern between lasting benefit and passing pleasure.
Live with Purpose
- Purushartha is defined as the four universal goals for human life. Pursuit of the four aims in life contributes to living with balance, integrity and joy.
The Soul's Longing: Discovering What You Really Want
- The key to our freedom is to ask ourselves: What do I really want? The answer lies in the truth of our being.
Live Deliberately: Ask a New Question
- Reframing our questions to be direct reminders of our goal calls our discernment into play.
Time to Meditate
- Meditation is a great tool for refining our mind, clarifying our awareness, and allowing us to experience our essential spiritual nature.
How to Have More Energy
- Learn how to experience more energy, strength, and vitality on a regular basis. What are four things you can do to enhance your energy right now?
(Click here to read more)
Grief as Love's Doorkeeper: How to Let Go and Live More Fully
- Grief touches us all but it can be a doorway to Love and the experience of One Reality. Learn how to keep your heart open in the face of grief.
(Click here to read more)
Start Your Day with Prayer
- Starting each day with prayer and meditation is a powerful, healthy habit that stabilizes and clarifies the mind and body.
(Click here to read more)
Simplify and Live Well
- Discover the peace and joy of living a “simple” life. Read about the three key practices that support this lifestyle through the spiritual path of yoga.
(Click here to read more)
Lift Up Your Life: Make Friends with Your Self
- Rediscover your true Self and experience that Self directly. You have the power to transform and uplift your life thought by thought, word by word, and choice by choice.
(Click here to read more)
You Can Know Your Highest Happiness
- The highest, unconditional happiness is ours through spiritual realization and contentment. Abide in the soul’s innate contentment and experience supreme happiness.
(Click here to read more)
The Discipline of Delight: How to Follow the Soul's Compass
- Engage in self-discipline filled with peace, joy, and delight as you allow your inherent divine nature - who you really are - to be expressed. Choose lasting happiness, not fleeting pleasure.
(Click here to read more)
How to Get Beyond Obstacles
- Real change to external obstacles must come from within us and include a winning combination of personal effort and divine grace. There are 5 steps to get beyond obstacles: 1. Clear the Mind, 2. Use Discernment to objectively view the obstacle, 3. Inquire into your own connection to the obstacle, 4. Affirm divine order, 5. Wait with Faith.
(Click here to read more)
How to Be Steadfast on Your Spiritual Path
- Success on the path of yoga includes commitment, intentionality, discipline, practice and an element of grace. Moderation and balance are at the heart of all yoga practice. The path of yoga requires us to put the teaching into practice, experiment for ourselves and discover what works.
(Click here to read more)
Spirituality in the Context of Universal Values
- Silence is the ground for peaceful dialog, nonviolent action and ability to pursue truth. Daily meditation and the ability to quiet the mind and experience inner silence is the key to facilitate unity. This simple technique is freely available to each person, regardless of social standing or religious belief and offers hope for building a culture of peace and nonviolence.
(Click here to read more)