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Art and Spirituality, Winter 2013

Join Yogacharya O’Brian and her distinguished guests for four programs exploring art and spirituality as a path for awakening.

3/7/13 - That You May Prosper: Part One: Creative Use of the Mind
Ron Lindahn
Encore presentation from  5/19/11 

Creative imagination is a law, like gravity, that does not require belief - it operates perfectly at all times whether we believe it or not. Learn how the philosophy of yoga views the mind as the key to prosperous living. Join Yogacharya O’Brian and Rev. Ron Lindahn to discover how you can use creative imagination to call forth your highest good.

3/14/13 - Art & Spiritual Practice: Meditation in Space & Time
Junco Sato Pollack

Yoga has been called the “art of living.” Art and spiritual practice can both bring deeper attention, awareness, inspiration and creative energy to our lives. The juncture where the two meet—spiritual practice and art—can provide a profound opening to greater insight. Artist, professor, and yoga practitioner Junco Sato Pollack, whose textile works are on permanent display at the Museum of Art and Design in New York, joins Yogacharya O’Brian for an exploration of the connection between art and spiritual practice.

Junco Sato Pollack is an artist and retired Associate Professor of Textiles at the E. G. Welch School of Art and Design of Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. A native of Japan who has lived in the US for over 30 years, Pollack creates Zen-inspired meditative, abstract art textile works, fusing Eastern aesthetics and sensibility with the kinetic energy of the West. Her works are housed in the permanent collection of the Museum of Art and Design in New York and are included in numerous corporate and private collections around the globe.

3/21/13 - Be Occupied with What You Really Value
Camille & Shaikh Kabir Helminski
Encore presentation from 3/31 /11 

The mystical path takes us out of the world as a place of mundane existence and brings us back to it as holy ground. Camille Helminski and Shaikh Kabir Helminski of the Mevlevi Order of Sufis bring their recent translations of Rumi to this conversation with Rev. O’Brian about what really matters in life. 

Camille Helminski and Shaikh Kabir Helminski of the Mevlevi Order of Sufis join Rev. Ellen Grace O’Brian from Center for Spiritual Enlightenment on The Yoga Hour online broadcast. They bring their recent translations of Rumi to this conversation with Yogacharya O’Brian about what really matters in life. The mystical path takes us out of the world as a place of mundane existence and brings us back to it as holy ground. 

3/28/13 - Arriving Late on Time: Poetry and Awareness
Zoketsu Norman Fischer

Poet and Zen Buddhist priest, Zoketsu Norman Fischer, joins Yogacharya O’Brian for an experiential exploration of the power of poetry to open our hearts and minds. As an art form, poetry can use words to take us where words cannot go. A conversation and some poems to reflect on writing as art, as encounter, as spiritual practice, as a way to connect and a way to separate.

Zoketsu Norman Fischer is a poet and Zen Buddhist priest. For many years he has taught at the San Francisco Zen Center, the oldest and largest of the new Buddhist organizations in the West, where he served as Co-abbot from 1995-2000. He is presently a Senior Dharma Teacher there as well as the founder and spiritual director of the Everyday Zen Foundation, an organization dedicated to adapting Zen Buddhist teachings to Western culture.