| 2/13/14 - Eight Success Principles for Fulfilling All of Life’s Purpose Roy Eugene Davis
From inspiration to persistence, there are eight keys for successfully fulfilling our purpose in life that we can learn and apply. Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and world teacher of spiritual principles, joins Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian to share with us how it is possible to be successful in all aspects of our lives, especially when we remember the higher purposes for which we were born into this world.
Roy Eugene Davis read Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi and immediately sensed a spiritual connection with Yogananda and the Kriya Yoga tradition. In December 1949, he traveled to Los Angeles, California, to meet his guru (teacher) and was accepted for monastic discipleship training. Mr. Davis was ordained by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1951. He is the founder and spiritual director of the Center for Spiritual Awareness, nestled in the mountains of Northern Georgia. Mr. Davis has taught in more than 100 cities in North America and in Japan, Brazil, Europe, West Africa, and India. Some of his books are published in 10 languages and in 11 countries. He is also the publisher of Truth Journal magazine and writes monthly lessons for CSA members around the world. |

| 2/06/14 - Mindful Leadership: Calm, Clear, Centered and Guided from Within Janice Marturano
Feeling overwhelmed by your “to do” list? Whether you lead a business, a nonprofit, a class, or a family, the principles and practices of meditation and self-awareness can help you to pause, focus, and do what is most important to do in the moment. Yogacharya O’Brian and guest Janice Marturano, founder and executive director of the Institute for Mindful Leadership and the author of Finding the Space to Lead, discuss how you can be the inspired and effective leader you want to be!
Janice Marturano is the Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Mindful Leadership, a non-profit organization dedicated to training and supporting leaders and potential leaders in the exploration of mindful leadership. She founded the Institute for Mindful Leadership in 2010 after five years of developing curricula and providing Mindful Leadership training to leaders from around the world while also serving as Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for General Mills. |

| 12/12/13 - Acting and Leading with Wisdom: Practical Principles that Work and Inspire
Prasad Kaipa
Are you ready to evolve from smart to wise? Learn how to cultivate wise action for successful leadership by applying time-tested principles to your work today. Prasad Kaipa, Silicon-Valley-based CEO advisor and coach and co-author of From Smart to Wise, joins Yogacharya O’Brian to discuss spiritually-grounded principles for acting and leading with wisdom.
Prasad Kaipa is a Silicon Valley-based CEO advisor and coach focusing on innovation and leadership since 1990. He was the founding executive director of the Centre for Leadership, Innovation, and Change at the Indian School of Business and a Richardson Fellow at the Center for Creative Leadership between 2010 and 2011. Prasad assists clients in becoming effective in managing others as well as oneself, getting reenergized, and building new capacities. Visit www.prasadkaipa.com. |

| 12/05/13 - Discover Your Dharma and Do It on Purpose! Inspiration from the Gita and Great Lives
Stephen Cope
Each one of us has an individual dharma to fulfill, our own true calling. What challenges do we face in discovering that purpose for our life and how can we overcome those challenges in order to enjoy “lit up living”? Join Yogacharya O’Brian and guest Stephen Cope, director of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living and author of The Great Work of Your Life, for answers gleaned from the Bagavad Gita and from the lives of people who have faced the challenges and embraced the opportunities of living their dharma.
Stephen Cope is the director of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living—the largest yoga research institute in the Western world. He has been for many years the Senior Scholar in Residence at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts, where he writes and teaches about the relationship between the Eastern contemplative traditions and Western philosophy and psychology. He is the author of three previous books, including the bestselling Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. |

| 11/14/13 - The Yoga of Mentoring: The Greatest Gift of Leadership
Mary Lynn Fitton
What difference can yoga and the presence and positive examples of caring adults make in the life of a young person? It can make all the difference. Tune in for an hour of inspiration as Mary Lynn Fitton, Founder and Program Director of The Art of Yoga Project, shares with Yogacharya O’Brian a model for using the tools of yoga to turn around the lives of at-risk girls and help them prepare for a positive future. One of the first places we can, and must, consider offering the tools of leadership that yoga provides is with the young people in our midst.
Mary Lynn Fitton is the Founder and Program Director of The Art of Yoga Project, a non-profit which offers a Yoga and Creative Arts Curriculum for at-risk teen girls in the California juvenile justice system as part of their rehabilitation. Mary Lynn has been a registered nurse for over 25 years and a certified yoga teacher since 1998. She is a founding member of the Yoga Service Council, and her work has been featured in several publications, including Yoga Journal and the International Journal of Yoga Therapy. |

| 11/07/13 - Courage, Service, and Surrender: Everyday Wisdom for Today’s Leaders from the Bhagavad Gita
Swami Bodhananda Sarasvati
Swami Bodhananda Saraswati, spiritual director of the Sambodh Society and author of The Gita and Management joins Yogacharya O’Brian for an in-depth exploration of the keys to reaching our fullest potential as leaders. Whoever we are, whatever we do, wherever we are, we all have the same divine potential to serve and through selfless service, to lead.
Swami Bodhananda Saraswati is an accomplished teacher of Vedanta, meditation, and management. He is the founder and spiritual director of the Sambodh Society in Michigan. He also directs several other ashrams and organizations, including the Bodhananda Research Foundation for Management and Leadership Studies in India. He is the author of twenty books, including The Gita and Management. |

| 10/31/13 - Use Your Internal Compass: Become an Unstoppable Navigator of Your Own Highest Potential
Megan McDonough
Effective leadership requires a finely tuned ability to follow our own inner wisdom with clarity, ease, and flexibility. Megan McDonough, CEO of Wholebeing Institute, joins Yogacharya O’Brian for an inspiring conversation about life at its best with insights into how we discover our innate ability to thrive and be successful in all that we do.
Megan McDonough, CEO of Wholebeing Institute, is an award-winning author of Infinity in a Box: Using Yoga to Live with Ease and A Minute for Me: Learning to Savor Sixty Seconds. Megan led Kripalu’s entry into online learning, launched a first-of-its-kind worldwide virtual conference, and has taught thousands of people to live with ease and clarity based on their own internal compass. Megan is a national media source for Fast Company, Yoga Journal, and Woman’s Day.

| 10/24/13 - Yamas: The Yogic Keys to Enlightened Leadership
Rev. Lakshmi Barsel, Ph.D.
Rev. Lakshmi Barsel, teacher of Integral Yoga in the tradition of Sri Swami Satchidananda, joins Yogacharya O’Brian for this exploration of how the universal spiritual disciplines of the yamas—harmlessness, truthfulness, non-stealing, right use of vital force, and non-acquiring or nonattachment—provide an unshakable foundation for enlightened leadership. In this Centennial Year honoring Sri Swami Satchidananda, we will look at how his life and work exemplified the virtues of the yamas and contributed to his influence as a spiritual leader.
Rev. Lakshmi Barsel, has taught Integral Yoga to people of all ages and walks of life for over 30 years. Besides teaching classes in Gentle Yoga, Hatha Yoga I & II, meditation and pranayama, and serving as spiritual director for silent retreats, Lakshmi teaches specialized teacher trainings, such as Raja Yoga and meditation, and ongoing scripture classes. She has a Ph.D. in Linguistic Anthropology and presently serves as the Yogaville Director of Program Development and Advertising.

| 10/17/13 - Two Birds in a Tree: The Essential Role of Being in Leadership
Ram Nidumolu, Ph.D.
Ram Nidumolu, Ph.D., author of the new book Two Birds in a Tree: Timeless Indian Wisdom for Business Leaders, joins Yogacharya O’Brian for an insightful look at the possibility for business leaders to approach their work holistically—with awareness of the interconnection of all life—and emerge to lead the way in this time of planetary transformation. Drawing from the riches of the Upanishads, this conversation invites us to look for a higher sense of self in the midst of our work environments and offers a road map for bringing awareness of the higher Self into leadership.
Ram Nidumolu,Ph.D.,is the founder and CEO of InnovaStrat,Inc., which provides advisory services to help Fortune 500 companies develop a corporate vision and strategy for sustainable business. He is an affiliated scholar at Stanford University’s Kozmetsky Global Collaboratory and has taught at the University of Arizona and Santa Clara University. Ram’s work has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, the Stanford Social Innovation Review and other journals.

| 10/10/13 - New Pathways and Possibilities: Breakthrough to Your Best Self Now
Baron Baptiste
Authenticity is the key to accessing our greatest power to lead fulfilling lives. To live, and lead, authentically requires us to break through limiting views of ourselves, others, and our relationship with the Infinite. Our innate sense that more is possible—more wisdom, more love, more peace, courage, or joy—arises from the power already within us. Yogacharya O’Brian welcomes Baron Baptiste, international yoga teacher and best-selling author, to explore the topic of personal development and life transformation.
Baron Baptiste’s popularity as an international presenter and best-selling author is exemplified by his devotion to make a positive difference and leave the world a better place. He is best known for his creation of a wildly popular yoga practice that’s a model for personal revolution. For 30 years, he has been a dynamic and influential teacher, trainer, leader, and catalyst in the arena of personal development and life transformation. His work powerfully creates bridges from the wisdom of the East to the spiritually hungry West. Visit Baron Baptiste Yoga.

| 9/26/13 - Keep Growing! Three Essential Practices for Effective Leadership
Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian
Leadership, by its very nature, requires us to stretch beyond our perceived limits, to continually be willing to grow as we support the growth and development of others. Three core practices from the path of Kriya Yoga provide us with the tools we need to develop as effective and inspired leaders. In this Yoga Hour program, Yogacharya O’Brian offers insight and instruction for keeping your cool when situations heat up, staying inspired over time, and truly enjoying what you do.

| 9/19/13 - Dare to Dream Big: Leadership by Example
Dr. Sanjiv Chopra
Dr. Sanjiv Chopra, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and author of the book Leadership by Example, joins Yogacharya O’Brian for an exploration of ten core principles for effective leadership. Having the willingness and the courage to fulfill our potential sets us on the road to leadership and lifts up the potential of our unique contribution to make a difference in the world.
Dr. Sanjiv Chopra is a professor of medicine and faculty dean for Continuing Medical Education at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Chopra is also a senior consultant in hepatology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. He is the author of five books, including Leadership by Example and his joint memoir with brother Deepak Chopra called Brotherhood. Dr. Chopra has been a keynote speaker on the topic of leadership throughout the United States and abroad. You can learn more about Dr. Chopra and his work at sanjivchopra.com.