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The Yoga Hour Archive - 2011
for more episodes.
12/29/11 -
A Community of Compassion: Empowered Service in the World
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Pat Cane)
12/22/11 -
Heaven in a Wild Flower: How God Pervades the World - Introduction to the Cosmic Manisfestation Process
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Ron Lindahn).
Encore presentation from 11/18/10
12/15/11 -
Thrive in Winter: Principles and Practices for Complete Well-Being
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Vishnu Dass)
12/08/11 -
Living the Questions: Befriending Uncertainty with an Open Heart
(Yogacharya'Brian with guest Dennis Merritt Jones)
12/01/11 -
Someone Digging in the Ground: The Unseen Work of the Soul
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Kabir and Camille Helminski)
11/24/11 -
Awaken Fully Now and Fulfill Your Divine Destiny
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis).
Encore presentation from 9/08/11
11/17/11 -
With Gratitude, Join the One Heart of the World
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Norman Fischer)
11/10/11 -
Surrender: How to Let Go and Live Fully
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Emmett E. Miller)
11/03/11 -
Svadhyaya: The Heart of Study
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Kusumita Pedersen)
10/27/11 -
Self-Discipline: The Key to Abiding Joy
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Br. Prabodh Chaitanya)
10/20/11 -
Right Use of Energy
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Harry Moses)
10/13/11 -
Contentment: The Key to Unconditional Happiness
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rev. Masayo Tsuruta)
10/06/11 -
Ahimsa: The Power of Nonviolence to Light the World
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Michael Nagler)
9/29/11 -
Patanjali’s Step by Step Approach to Spiritual Realization and Conscious Living
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Christopher Key Chapple)
9/22/11 -
Love, Discern, Serve, Meditate-- Four Ways to Awaken
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Br. Prabodh Chaitanya)
9/15/11 -
Our Relationship with the Infinite: Insights into Higher Realities
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis)
9/08/11 -
Awaken Fully Now and Fulfill Your Divine Destiny
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis)
9/01/11 -
Purushartha: Four Essential Goals for Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rod Stryker)
8/25/11 -
You Can Change Your Life: Insights from the Yoga Sutra for Purifying the Heart-Mind
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Nicolai Bachman)
8/18/11 -
Paramahansa Yogananda As I Knew Him
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis).
Encore Presentation from 3/03/11
8/11/11 -
21st Century Discipleship: Dedication to Self- and God-Realization
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Kusumita Pederson).
Encore Presentation from 2/17/11
8/04/11 -
Mysticism in Yoga and New Thought
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Paul John Roach)
7/28/11 -
Vegetarianism, Spirituality, and Well Being
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Ven. Jian Hu)
7/21/11 -
Embodied Virtue: Hatha Yoga Insights into the Yamas and Niyamas
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Carol Parvati Knight)
7/14/11 -
Ojas: The Key to Radiance and Vitality
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Cynthia Ambika Copple)
7/07/11 -
Meditation for the Love of It
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Sally Kempton)
6/30/11 -
Superconscious Meditation: Portal to the Infinite
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Swami Jaidev Bharati).
Encore Presentation from 2/03/11
6/23/11 -
Yoga, Meditation and Complete Well-Being
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rev. Sam Sasu)
6/16/11 -
The Dawn of Yoga in the West and the Transformation of the Religious Landscape
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Philip Goldberg)
6/09/11 -
That You May Prosper: Part Four: Padmini Vidya
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Sherri Silverman)
6/02/11 -
That You May Prosper: Part Three: It’s Your Birthright
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rev. Dr. Mary Tumpkin)
5/26/11 -
That You May Prosper: Part Two: Seeing Money as Energy
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Easan Katir)
5/19/11 -
That You May Prosper: Part One: Creative Use of the Mind
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Ron Lindahn)
5/12/11 -
Be Open to Wonder: Lessons From Ecclesiastes for Seekers of Truth, Part 2
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rabbi Rami Shapiro)
5/05/11 -
A Guide to Joy: Lessons from Ecclesiastes for Seekers of Truth, Part One
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rabbi Rami Shapiro)
4/28/11 -
The Yoga Sutra Part Three: The Clear Jewel
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Christopher Chapple)
4/21/11 -
The Yoga Sutra Part Two: Living Liberation
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Christopher Chapple)
4/14/11 -
The Yoga Sutra Part One: Gems of Wisdom
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Nicolai Bachman)
4/07/11 -
Mantra Yoga: The Power of the Word
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) and Yogini Shambhavi)
3/31/11 -
Be Occupied with What You Really Value
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Kabir and Camille Helminski)
3/24/11 -
Balance, Clarity and Well-being Through Hatha Yoga
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Victor Dubin and Julianne Rice)
3/17/11 -
Retreat into the Heart of Stillness
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Ven. Jian Hu)
3/03/11 -
Paramahansa Yogananda As I Knew Him
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis)
2/24/11 -
Solomon's Sutras: Teachings for Cultivating a Wise and Understanding Heart
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Rabbi Rami Shapiro)
2/17/11 -
21st Century Discipleship: Dedication to Self- and God-realization
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Kusumita Pederson)
2/10/11 -
Door of the Heart: Discover the Practice of Kirtan
(Yogacharya'Brian with guests Priya Friday-Pabros and Sujantra McKeever)
2/03/11 -
Superconscious Meditation: Portal to the Infinite
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Swami Jaidev Bharati)
1/27/11 -
Last Hour Yoga: Wisdom and Compassion During Grief, Loss and Transition
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Dr. Ronda Macchello and Rev. Shanti Macartney)
1/20/11 -
Winter Self-Care Practices from Ayurveda and Yoga
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Espe Guardiola)
1/06/11 -
Living Seva: Yoga and the World
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Nipun Metha and Sriram Shamasunder, MD)