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The Yoga Hour Archive - 2014
for more episodes.
12/25/14 -
Ahimsa: The Power of Nonviolence to Light the World
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Michael Nagler). Encore from 10/06/11.
12/18/14 -
Take Refuge in the Truth of Loving Awareness
(guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Tara Brach)
12/11/14 -
Someone Digging in the Ground: The Unseen Work of the Soul
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Kabir and Camille Helminski). Encore from 12/01/11.
12/04/14 -
Joyously Living the Journey of Spiritual Practice
(guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo and guest Les Kaye).
11/27/14 -
Gratitude: The Key for Loving your Life
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.) Encore from 10/04/12.
11/20/14 -
Living from the Inside Out: The Way of Improvisation
(guest host Laurel Trujillo with guest Patricia Ryan Madson).
11/13/14 -
Navigating Paradoxes on the Spiritual Path
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Philip Goldberg).
11/06/14 -
Healthy Living Through the Bhagavad Gita
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Swami Bodhananda).
10/30/14 -
The Yoga Sutra Part Three: The Clear Jewel
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Christopher Chapple). Encore from 4/28/11.
10/23/14 -
The Yoga Sutra Part Two: Living Liberation
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Christopher Chapple). Encore from 4/21/11.
10/16/14 -
The Yoga Sutra Part One: Gems of Wisdom
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Nicolai Bachman). Encore from 4/14/11.
10/09/14 -
Expanding the Circle of Caring: Compassion in Yoga & Ayurveda
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Acharya Shunya Pratichi Mathur).
10/02/14 -
Becoming Who You Were Born to Be
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Mark Nepo).
9/25/14 -
Rekindle Your Life: Stoke Your Digestive Fire
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar).
9/18/14 -
Spiritual Practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition: Insights from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, Part 2
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis).
9/11/14 -
Spiritual Practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition: Insights from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, Part 1
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis).
9/04/14 -
Regain Balance in Your Life by Overcoming Stress
(guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Dr. Claudia Welch).
8/28/14 -
Selfless Action, Wisdom and Divine Love: Kriya Yoga and the Gita
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Swami Atmavidyananda Giri). Encore from 3/22/12.
8/21/14 -
Yoga Therapy: Yoga as Powerful Medicine for the body, Mind and Spirit
(guest host Laurel Trujillo with guest Dr. Timothy McCall).
8/14/14 -
Wisdom of the Yoga Sutra: Radiant Living Is Your Birthright!
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Pandit Rajmahni Tigunait).
8/07/14 -
Health, Harmony, and Awakening through Ayurveda
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Vishnu Dass).
7/31/14 -
The Power of our Word
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Ron Lindahn). Encore from 1/12/12.
7/24/14 -
Refresh Your Mind with Pratyahara
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Pandit Vamadeva Shastri and Yogini Shambhavi).
7/17/14 -
Bringing Home the Practice: Yoga for Total Wellbeing
(guest host Laurel Trujillo with guest Tara Fraser).
7/10/14 -
Stable and Conducive to Bliss: Insights into Asana
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Meta Chaya Hirschl). Encore from 6/28/12.
7/03/14 -
Our Relationship with the Infinite: Insights into Higher Realities
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis). Encore from 9/15/11.
6/26/14 -
Living the Divine Song: The Bhagavad Gita as a How to Live Handbook
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya). Encore from 2/23/12.
6/19/14 -
Redefine Yourself!
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Dennis Merritt Jones).
6/12/14 -
Cultivate Contentment and Change Your Brain
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rick Hanson, Ph.D.).
6/05/14 -
Purushartha: Four Essential Goals for Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rod Stryker). Encore from 9/01/11.
5/29/14 -
How Attitude Makes All the Difference
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Nayaswami Gyandev McCord).
5/22/14 -
Neuro-Spirituality: Train Your Brain for Awakening
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Marty Wuttke).
5/15/14 -
Live Fully and Live Well
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Max Strom).
5/08/14 -
Patanjali’s Step by Step Approach to Spiritual Realization and Conscious Living
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Christopher Key Chapple). Encore from 9/29/11.
5/01/14 -
You Can Change Your Life: Insights from the Yoga Sutra for Purifying the Heart-Mind
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Nicolai Bachman). Encore from 8/25/11.
4/24/14 -
Embodied Virtue: Hatha Yoga Insights into the Yamas and Niyamas
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Carol Parvati Knight). Encore from 7/21/11.
4/17/14 -
Kick the Clutter Habit and Organize Your Life for Good!
(Yogacharia Ellen Grace O'Brian with guest Andrew Mellen).
4/10/14 -
Say Good-bye to Fear: Courageous Living through Yoga and Vedanta
(Yogacharia Ellen Grace O'Brian with guest Pravrajika Brahmaprana)
4/03/14 -
The End of Life: Grief as a Doorway to Healing
(Yogacharia Ellen Grace O'Brian with guests Rev. Ronda Macchello, MD & Rev. Marcella Shanti Macartney)
3/27/14 -
Ojas: The Key to Radiance and Vitality
(Yogacharia Ellen Grace O'Brian). Encore from 7/14/11.
3/20/14 -
Radiant Like the Moon: Light Up Your Life with Yoga
(Yogacharia Ellen Grace O'Brian)
3/13/14 -
The Dark Night of the Soul and the Spiritual Awakening Process
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Mirabai Starr).
3/06/14 -
Yoga Therapy for Holistic Healing: Take Charge of Your Wellness Every Day
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest John Kepner).
2/27/14 -
The Healing Balm of Timeless Teachings: Oneness, Radiance, Love
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Phil Bolsta).
2/20/14 -
Be Occupied with What You Really Value
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Kabir and Camille Helminski). Encore presentation from 3/31/11.
2/13/14 -
Eight Success Principles for Fulfilling All of Life’s Purposes
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis).
2/06/14 -
Mindful Leadership: Calm, Clear, Centered and Guided from Within
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Janice Marturano).
1/30/14 -
The Great East-West Transmission: Yoga and American Life
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Phil Goldberg).
Encore presentation from 12/09/10.
1/23/13 -
Actualize Your Full Potential: The Place Where Yoga and Ayurveda Meet
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Cynthia Ambika Copple).
Encore presentation from 11/04/10.
1/16/14 -
Cultivate a Peaceful Mind and a Good Heart
(Yogacharya O'Brian).
Encore presentation from 10/14/10.
1/09/14 -
Mantra Yoga: The Power of the Word
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guests Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) and Yogini Shambhavi).
Encore presentation from 4/07/11.
1/02/14 -
The Secret of Success: Let Spiritual Wisdom Guide your Will to Experience a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity and Freedom
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rod Stryker).
Encore presentation from 1/26/12.