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The Yoga Hour Archive - 2017
for more episodes.
12/28/17 -
Ageless Wisdom, Lifelong Yoga Practice
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Lilias Folan). Encore from 10/08/15.
12/21/17 -
Meditation, Wisdom, and the New Story
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Michael Nagler). Encore from 7/16/15.
12/14/17 -
Nurturing Your Child’s Spirituality
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo and guest Elena Kanti Fritchle). This was re-recorded on 1/25/18.
12/07/17 -
Aging with Strength and Grace
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo and guest Baxter Bell).
11/30/17 -
Creating Meaningful Connections That Support Our Well-being
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo and guest Michael Gelb).
11/23/17 -
Sublime Attitudes that Work for All
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Tim Olmsted).
11/16/17 -
The Transforming Power of Deep Human Connection
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo and guest Stephen Cope).
11/09/17 -
Living the Dharmic Life: Living a Life That is Worthy of You
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo and Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian).
11/02/17 -
Embrace Your Open-Hearted Life: The Way of Compassion
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Venerable Thubten Chodron). Encore from 7/09/15.
10/26/17 -
Discover Eternal Joy and Ultimate Freedom
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD).
10/19/17 -
Energize Your Practice
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Roy Eugene Davis).
10/12/17 -
Breathe Easy with Pranayama
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Amy Wheeler, Ph.D.). Encore from 4/23/15.
10/05/17 -
How to Live with Higher Purpose
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian).
9/28/17 -
Yoga’s Path of Strength, Resilience, and Peace of Mind
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Beryl Bender Birch). Encore from 6/04/15.
9/21/17 -
Kindle the Fire Within
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Gunilla Norris).
9/14/17 -
Four Goals for Spiritually Conscious Living: Purpose Abundance, Pleasure, and Freedom
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian).
9/07/17 -
Invitation to Authenticity: The Way of Mindful Education
(host Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Daniel Rechtschaffen). Encore from 9/03/15.
8/31/17 -
To Make Big Changes, Start with Just One Thing
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rick Hanson, PhD). Encore from 5/09/13.
8/24/17 -
Awaken to the Fire of Love Within
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Anne Hillman).
8/17/17 -
Freedom from Fear: Using Yoga Meditation to Heal Trauma
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Richard Miller, PhD).
8/10/17 -
Getting in the Driver's Seat: Manage Your Mood with Yoga
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Amy Weintraub).
8/03/17 -
Self-Discipline, Willpower, and Positive Change
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Kelly McGonigal). Encore from 10/25/12.
7/27/17 -
Put Out the Fire with Ayurveda and Yoga
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Diana Lurie, PhD).
7/20/17 -
Awakening to Our Inner Stillness: The Healing Power of Music
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Gary Malkin).
7/13/17 -
Find Inner Peace and Share It
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Phillip Hellmich).
7/06/17 -
Yoga and Freedom: The Prison Yoga Project
(guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest James Fox). Encore from 4/16/15.
6/29/17 -
Yoga Therapy: Yoga as Powerful Medicine for the body, Mind and Spirit
(guest host Laurel Trujillo with guest Dr. Timothy McCall). Encore from 8/21/14.
6/22/17 - Experience the Prayer Song Process (regular guest host Laurel Trujillo with guest Toinette Lippe).
6/15/17 -
Vedic Counseling: Universal Wisdom for Health and Happiness
(regular guest host Laurel Trujillo with guest Dr. Suhas G. Kshirsagar).
6/08/17 -
Living from the Inside Out: The Way of Improvisation
(guest host Laurel Trujillo with guest Patricia Ryan Madson). Encore from 11/20/14.
6/01/17 -
Removing the Obstacles: Unclutter Your Mind and Your Life
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Andrew Mellen).
5/25/17 -
Building Harmony: The Role of Interspirituality
(regular guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Rabbi Rami Shapiro). Encore from 4/13/17.
5/18/17 -
Awakening Shakti: The Flow of Divine Grace
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Yogini Shambhavi).
5/11/17 -
Discovering Our Deepest Truth: The Way Under the Way
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Mark Nepo).
5/04/17 -
Love’s Unifying Power
(regular guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Bob Atkinson).
4/27/17 -
The Wisdom of Ayurveda: A Complete Prescription for Optimizing Your Health
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Acharya Shunya).
4/20/17 -
Radical Hope Through Literacy of the Heart
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Khaled Hosseini).
4/13/17 -
Building Harmony: The Role of Interspirituality
(regular guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Rabbi Rami Shapiro).
4/06/17 -
Divine Love and Transformation
(regular guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest William Keepin, PhD). Encore from 11/10/16.
3/30/17 -
Someone Digging in the Ground: The Unseen Work of the Soul
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guests Kabir and Camille Helminski). Encore from 12/01/11.
3/23/17 -
Writing as a Tool for Spiritual Transformation
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Mark Matousek).
3/16/17 -
Spiritual Practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition: Insights from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, Part 1
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis). Encore from 9/11/14.
3/09/17 -
Speaking the Truth: The Healing Power of Poetry
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest John Fox).
3/02/17 -
Quicken Your Spiritual Awakening!
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Roy Eugene Davis).
2/23/17 -
Life As a Pilgrimage of Divine Remembrance
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Rev. Charles P. Gibbs). Encore from 4/7/16.
2/16/17 -
The Power of the Word: Gifts of Writing and Contemplation
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Parthenia M. Hicks).
2/09/17 -
Contemplative Life and Compassionate Service
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Mirabai Starr).
2/02/17 -
Glimpse the Face of the Beloved
(regular guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian).
1/26/17 -
Create a Life of Purpose
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Rod Stryker).
1/19/17 -
Yoga’s Path to Living with Higher Purpose
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Edwin Bryant).
1/12/17 -
A New Year and a New You
(regular guest host Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guests Vamadeva and Yogini Shambhavi).
1/05/17 -
Inside the Soul: The Battle We Must Fight Every Day and the Key to Victory
(Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian with guest Michael Nagler). Encore from 3/01/12.