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The Yoga Hour Archive - 2020
for more episodes.
12/31/20 -
Living the Four Aims: Paramahansa Yogananda’s Inspired Life
(Yogacharya O’Brian with guest Philip Goldberg)
Encore from 1/10/19
12/24/20 -
Yoga, Compassion, and Resilience
(Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Yogacharya O’Brian)
Encore from 4/09/20
12/10/20 -
Embrace Wonder: Live a Happier, Healthier, and More Connected Life
(Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Jonah Paquette, Psy.D.)
12/03/20 -
Ayurvedic Self-Care for Natural Healing
(Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guests Richard Freeman and Kate O’Donnell)
11/26/20 -
The Gift of Gratitude
(Yogacharya O’Brian with guest May McCarthy)
Encore from 9/05/19
11/19/20 -
The Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita in a Modern World
(Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guests Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor)
11/12/20 -
Together We Can: Spiritual Communities Face Climate Change
(Yogacharya O’Brian and guest Dr. Kusumita Pedersen)
10/29/20 -
Kriya Yoga and Planetary Evolution: Ancient Teachings in a Modern Era
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Yogacharya O’Brian)
10/22/20 -
Being a Yogi in the Modern World
(Yogacharya O’Brian with guest Yogi Cameron)
Encore from 10/31/19
10/15/20 -
Responding to Racism with the Spiritual Practices of Yoga
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Rev. Kamala Itzel Hayward)
10//08/20 -
Emotional Resilience in Difficult Times
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Ralph De La Rosa)
10/01/20 -
Paramahansa Yogananda’s Early Life and Influences
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Ron Lindahn)
Encore from 9/24/20
9/24/20 -
Paramahansa Yogananda’s Early Life and Influences
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Ron Lindahn)
9/10/20 -
The Legacy of Paramhansa Yogananda
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi)
9/03/20 -
Celebrating Paramahansa Yogananda
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Philip Goldberg)
8/27/20 -
Racism, Spiritual Practice and Compassionate Right Action
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Rev. Priya Friday-Pabros)
8/13/20 -
Increase Immunity and Health with Ayurveda
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Cynthia Copple)
8/06/20 -
Experience the Wholeness of Life
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Mark Nepo)
7/30/20 -
Get Outside to Lift Your Mood
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Florence Williams)
7/23/20 - Thrive and Master Your Life (regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Cate Stillman)
7/16/20 -
Cultivate Calm, Clarity and Courage in Crazy Times
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Philip Goldberg)
Encore from 7/09/20
7/09/20 -
Cultivate Calm, Clarity and Courage in Crazy Times
(Yogacharya O'Brian with guest Philip Goldberg)
7/02/20 -
Gratitude for Teachers
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Rev. Sundari Jensen)
Encore from 6/25/20
6/25/20 -
Gratitude for Teachers
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Rev. Sundari Jensen)
6/18/20 -
Being a Yogi in the Modern World
. (Yogacharya O’Brian with guest Yogi Cameron)
Encore from 10/31/19
6/11/20 -
One Thing That Makes All the Difference
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Yogacharya O’Brian)
6/04/20 -
Be Your Healthiest Self: Discovering Your Body’s Intelligence
(Yogacharya O’Brian with guest Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD)
5/28/20 -
Thrive: Health and Abundant Well-being Through Yoga and Ayurveda
(Yogacharya O’Brian with guest Acharya Shunya)
5/21/20 -
Prosper and Keep Your Soul
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Yogacharya O’Brian)
Encore from 9/12/19
5/14/20 -
Step into the Stream: Kriya Yoga Teachers and Teachings for Today’s World
(Yogacharya O’Brian with guest Giovanni Formisano)
5/07/20 -
Seven Soul Qualities to Draw Upon
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Yogacharya O’Brian)
4/30/20 -
The Keys to Experiencing Absolute Consciousness
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Martin Wuttke)
4/23/20 -
Creative Imagination: A Vision of Hope for Our Troubled Times
(Yogacharya O’Brian with guest May McCarthy)
4/16/20 -
Yoga, Compassion, and Resilience
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Yogacharya O’Brian)
4/09/20 -
Prosper and Keep Your Soul
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Yogacharya O’Brian)
Encore from 9/12/19
4/02/20 -
Breathe, Learn, Connect
(Yogacharya O’Brian and guest Anastasia Shevchenko)
3/26/20 -
Meditation and Prayer in Difficult Times
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Martin Wuttke)
3/19/20 -
Making the Changes We Need to Fight the Coronavirus
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with BJ Fogg, Ph.D.)
3/05/20 -
Live a Calm, Confident, and Courageous Life
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Rev. Connie L. Habash)
2/27/20 -
Living a Vibrant Life: Aging Gracefully in the Third Stage of Life
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with Carrie Demers, M.D.)
2/20/20 -
Developing Our Spiritual Intelligence
(Yogacharya O’Brian and guest Shaikh Kabir Helminski)
Encore from 10/10/19
1/09/20 -
Yoga Is for Every Body, Mind, and Spirit
(Regular gues host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo and guest Jivana Heyman)
1/02/20 -
Live a Soul Guided Life
(regular guest host, Dr. Laurel Trujillo with guest Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian)
Encore from 5/30/19