Dharma 365 Group Study Program


An Immersive Yearlong Online Experience to Enhance your Dharma 365! Course Study
12 Monthly Small Group Meetings Beginning the Week of February 6, 2022

Welcome! Here you'll find resources for the Dharma 365! Group Study Program. Please visit this page regularly for information, inspiration, updates, and more. Your individual course study will take place at www.EllenGraceOBrian.com. This webpage is for your supplemental study group experience only.

IMPORTANT: Enrollment in Yogacharya O'Brian's Online "Dharma 365!" Course is required to participate in this program. If you have not already done so, enroll in the course here.





  • No matter where you are in the world this course can help you live a soul centered life. The monthly videos with Yogacharya O’Brian, weekly lessons, and daily inspirations support you in remaining steadfast on your journey of spiritual awakening.
  • The Dharma 365! course and small group structure opens a profound opportunity to engage with the dharmic teachings with accountability, helps us develop trust, invites us to reflect upon and confirm the teachings as we practice and live our dharmic lives. The safe and supportive space of the small group environment invites nonjudgmental sharing and genuine expression, which lifts us as individuals, as a community and positively influences our world.
  • The obligation and joyful commitment to meet monthly with an open heart and mind gave us the opportunity to listen deeply to each other, to Yogacharya and the teachings. This regular gathering throughout this year allowed us to actualize the transmission of the dharma teachings from Yogacharya.
  • Having a space for the opportunity to reflect, to speak truth out loud, and to be held in Love.
  • Brilliantly structured course, offering a modern way to share an ancient teaching. The small groups provided the blessing to explore and grow with the teachings. It is an invitation and inspiration to have 365 dates with your Self.
  • Brilliantly structured course, offering a modern way to share an ancient teaching. The small groups provided the blessing to explore and grow with the teachings. It is an invitation and inspiration to have 365 dates with your Self.


  • Living in harmony with the heartbeat of the Universe, we selflessly serve the One in all.
  • Pranayama calms the external koshas so we can experience and consciously live in the eternal Self.
  • We celebrate the simplicity and elegance of the teachings; offered on a golden platter, and even the gunas are there! We acknowledge that everything is a gift from God.
  • Pranayama helps bring us back to the present moment, and in that moment connects us to Spirit. Being grounded in the present allows us to consciously serve others, seeing God in all. Even in moments of feeling separate, our breath brings us back to our Self.
  • Spiritual living is guided by awareness of prana. To listen into her direction is to dance in God.


  • With superconscious awareness and dispassionate non-attachment we live in harmony with the universe and are liberated.
  • It is easier to be dispassionate when we remember Divine Love in all.
  • We are happy to be alive, in this stage of our life, with the guidance of our Guruji. We strive to live in freedom as our daily practices reveal the Light within. We listen and are ready to hear Divine guidance and take action, however we are guided. As our Guru teaches us, "We practice loving the world, loving others as we love the divine One expressing through them."
  • We foster a routine that is supportive of our spiritual growth and development and is supportive of our stage of life. As we do this, we keep Self- and God-realization as the goal of all that we do.


  • Cease the struggle, surrender into the Divine, rest in the contentment of the soul.
  • Letting go of the rigidity of the samskaras, renounce, relax and enjoy your spiritual practice and your life. Experience balance and the delight of self-discipline.
  • With surrender we let go of habitual thoughts, feelings, words, and actions that are not beneficial/in alignment with our highest good.
  • The joy of curiosity and surrender is the ever new revelation of faith. We are gratitude—full of life.
  • I am attuned to divine will, and my Self when I am present to my mind, my heart, my spirit.
  • We are resplendently radiant as we surrender in grace.


  • Self-discipline leads us to the soul’s delight.
  • We soar in freedom as we follow our soul guidance, staying focused on the goal of Self- and God-realization. We are grateful for the clarity of mind that we develop with our meditation practice, that supports us in rising above the muddle of difficulties, supporting us in seeing what is ours to do with delight, grace, love and compassion.
  • In the eye of a storm, the power of stillness and presence opens the way for the miracle.
  • Radically accepting where we are and calling on the Grace of God to carry us.
  • As layers of distraction fall away, we find our Highest Self is ever more present and we let Grace/God/Higher Self lead the way.
  • Use discipline to step into the ever present flow of grace and know the end of suffering.


  • Be present. Listen to your God Positioning System (GPS). Choose wisely. Cultivate what is Sat.
  • Mitahara brings clarity and purity to the body and mind and opens us up to experience the Self. We can then follow Its guidance to live our dharma in the highest way.
  • Surrender - everything is yoga.
  • Grace like water transforms the grooves of the mind, enlivening the Self.
  • Striving for balance through steadiness on the path real awareness fuels the soul's contentment allowing happiness to be revealed.
  • The power of meditation and discernment assisting us in finding balance and joy, simply by accepting and being present and aware of how we are choosing to interact with the circumstances in our lives.
  • As we experience surrender, health and blessings through our moderate practices with food, we learn to practice discipline and surrender of separate self in our Life.

JULY 2022

  • Releasing breath is like letting go of attachments, allowing room for the new. Deciding every day to love, to forgive. Staying in the moment. Acknowledging negative emotions so they can be transformed. All leads to words that bless.
  • May my intentions, thoughts, words and actions be constructive.

JUNE 2022

  • In stillness, as the conscious witness, we experience Truth.
  • We trust in the Divine Order of Absolute Truth!
  • Through inner silence compassion and kindness for ourselves and others is based on our realization of Truth. When our foundation is Truth, kindness is effortless.
  • Silence opens the door of integrity, allowing us to listen to inner guidance and the wisdom of the gurus. In this way we attune to the Divine Self in navigating an authentic path of Dharma through life.
  • The grace of the guru opens my awareness to transform my thoughts words and actions into blessings.
  • Ever guided by God, we intentionally and observantly practice compassion and Truth on the Spiritual Path.
  • The Maha Vrata informs speech that blesses the world with the grace of God and Gurus. Spoken words help to know the Self in others, in a yoga moment. The inner and outer obstacles to freedom are removed, and freedom is revealed. We are free with each other. That’s the juiciness, that’s the rasa.

MAY 2022

  • Grounded in body wisdom our hearts open with compassion as we enter the stream of Divine Wisdom.
  • No need to rush, nothing is missing. We have Divine tools to navigate life; compassion, discernment, mindfulness, harmony, balance and embodied peace.
  • We cultivate deep listening by attuning our individual body-mind-spirit antenna. Through this we connect with all of creation which brings us inspired wisdom and leads to inspired action.
  • Now, in every moment, we have an opportunity to establish a new relationship, even though there is no one in front of us, know without a doubt the universe is kind and loving.
  • We embody the caravan of the cosmos, developing deep compassion within us.
  • Wherever we are, we are right where we are supposed to be, in divine grace. Nothing is separate from the Divine. We are choosing joy, choosing to be enough. We choose to align with the eternal Self.

APRIL 2022

  • Love is That which transforms and heals.
  • Practicing the teachings offer profound opportunities to live our divine life inspired and trusting in infinite outcomes.
  • The unchanging silence supports us to remain steadfast amid the field of changing circumstances. Listening deeply to all of life, we hear the evidential aspect of God everywhere present, within and all around. OM. The sound is like breadcrumbs letting us know that we are moving in the right direction. It is Glorious!
  • We are in awe of the change that happens within and the impact that that has. The inner experience changes us and we witness the resonance that happens in the outer. A theme of our gathering was... slow down, make space. And in the pauses, the divine reveals itself—in, as, and through us. It is powerful.
  • Om is the key to the meditation portal of Self-realization and connection to wholeness.
  • Focusing on a spiritual practice such as OM opens us to allowing God to take the reins, and the mind becomes our creative ally in all aspects of Life.

MARCH 2022

  • As we surrender to Truth, awareness reveals life as an opening for divine inspiration. We are finding God in everyday experiences and surrendering to the grace and beauty of life as a rainbow spark of God. Each share from the group is a witnessing of a Higher Power expressing.
  • Engaged in our divine nature, cultivating being in a deeper vivid awareness in this sacred moment of divine bliss.
  • Using discernment and cooperation with the infinite, we see attunement manifest in our lives which moves us towards experiencing our authentic self and surrendering the sense of separate self with enthusiasm.
  • Life—a beautiful mala strung with ease, power, immense harmony, joy, and authenticity grounded in steady practice and devotion for the sake of the soul. Inspired by infinite divine grace abiding in the higher Self.
  • Speaking into and being listened to in this Circle of Truth, we are reminded to be awake and aware and attuned to the One in all. In that awareness we take care of God's creation. All of it, including ourselves. We are That.
  • We find spiritual lessons in challenging things. By surrendering and choosing to do what is essential and meaningful on the spiritual path, we let ourselves and others do the work we’re here to do.
  • As we expand our own consciousness we bring peace and love to the whole world.


  • Recognizing the authentic Self in the midst of life changes in alignment with the enlivening power that nurtures the universe.
  • Returning to our practice with enthusiasm, we surrender to receptivity with confidence in our inner divine strength and dedication to radiate Divine Love.
  • We are exploring the Self by learning from and supporting each other. We grow spiritually by engaging with the teachings through journaling, memorizing, and contemplation. It is our commonality and our unique diversity that binds us together.
  • We deeply value spiritual community and appreciate the opportunity to walk together on this shared journey of becoming. We feel the Teacher, the lineage, and God present with us.
  • As life unfolds, we remember, surrender and live from the higher Self.
  • Take pleasure in watching God's will unfold, the dawn of awareness, walking the path with intention.
  • Intentionally, being in the present moment what we are becoming—bringing joy, love, connectedness, and trust into full expression.
  • We commit to intentional Dharmic living through Joy, Surrender, Patience, Spiritual Courage, Love and Compassion that pleases the soul and serves all of us as One.




Your registration fee covers the cost of this program. Additional donations support the ministry to continue offering more programs like this one. 

Please click above to offer a donation anytime via PayPal.


Thank you for your generosity!