Event Information
IN-PERSON AND ONLINE The Power of Spiritual Attunement with Yogacharya Location: In-person & Online

The Power of Spiritual Attunement
An Introduction to Your 2025 Practice
with Yogacharya O'Brian
Sunday, November 3, 2024
1 PM - 2 PM (PT)

Offered freely. Lunch included. Registration required.
Click date icon below to register.

Learn about the resources that will become available as part of the Year of Attunement—your 2025 guide to slowing down, tuning in to your soul’s call, and tuning up your life to what matters most deeply.

Join us for a conversation with Yogacharya O’Brian, Acharya Sundari, and CSE Ministers.

10:00 AM    Satsang with Yogacharya
11:30 AM    Community Lunch
  1:00 PM    Afternoon Program

Available dates and times:
(Click on a date to register)