Sunday Satsang Series with Yogacharya O'Brian
10 AM - 11 AM (PT)
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You are warmly invited to join us onsite at CSE for Sunday Satsang. Spacious seating is provided. Registration is not required. Please wear a mask indoors.
"To be alive is a benediction. To be able to relate to the world through perception and cognition, to relate to it through responses if and when necessary and to relate to the unmanifest essence through awareness, all this is so greatly fulfilling. Such a person feels wholeness." —Vimala
(click title below to view recording)
February 26: How to Have Steady Wisdom and Compassion
Spiritual practice prepares us to live in the world
with wisdom and compassion. Learning how to do that is an art and a science. We study the science and develop insights and clarity. We master the art of living through participating in life every day with faith and dedication.
March 19: Honor the Power of your Questions
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and
try to love the questions themselves… Rainer Maria Rilke
Life’s powerful questions arise from our soul’s yearning to realize our true nature and actualize its divine potentials in our life every day. How is that actualization possible we wonder?
What does enlightenment look like? How does life change with spiritual awakening?
April 23: How to Know if You Are Progressing on Your Spiritual Path
What are the road maps or indicators
of what spiritual progress looks like? How can we tell if we are progressing? Learn four indicators that will guide and support your journey.
May 21: Discover Desireless Desire
Spiritual and religious teachings from many
traditions caution the seeker against desire by declaring if you want freedom, you must free yourself from desire. But is that even possible? Is it a reasonable goal? What do we know about the power of desire? Paramahansa Yogananda spoke about desireless
desire and the one desire that leads inevitably toward freedom.