Compassion in Action

Therapeutic Applications of Yoga

YES Yoga Teacher Training Level Two (500hr)




Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126


408-283-0221 x17



to the One Truth
known by many names



This class will be offered at the
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126









Map to CSE



An in-depth training, in a modular format, for yoga teachers wishing to develop, explore or deepen their relationship to yoga through personal practice and teaching.  An understanding of physical and energetic anatomy, the ability to observe, listen, palpate (feel), sense, analyze and extrapolate are all essential skills and are emphasized in the practice and teaching of yoga from a therapeutic approach. 

Our stimulating and comprehensive curriculum gives the yoga professional choices to participate in ongoing weekend intensives, monthly workshops, an eight month assistant program (for those interested in teacher education) and a week long residential training, Yoga Therapy in Practice (fall 2009).

The six main required modules give the student a strong grounding in the fundamentals of methodology, anatomy, kinesiology, and lots of hands-on experience practicing and teaching techniques of yoga for therapeutic benefit

Additional electives with our extended faculty allow teachers to specialize in a chosen area of focus like teaching yoga for cardiac health, chronic illness, stress management or restorative yoga.

This Level Two Teacher Training (500 hr) certificate program, recognized by Yoga Alliance, requires a serious commitment to the path of yoga as a lifestyle. 


Prerequisites: A regular hatha yoga practice for at least four years and the completion of a 200 hour yoga teacher training course or the equivalent. 

Location: All programs offered at the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment unless otherwise noted.




To register for entry into the 500hr Level Two Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program please download the attached PDF and reply to the questions via email to:



Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
1146 University Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 • 408-283-0221


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