YES ~ Yoga Educational Seminars

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training at CSE

500 hour Yoga Alliance Certification Program


Therapeutic Applications of Yoga Asana









Center for Spiritual Enlightenment

1146 University Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126


408-283-0221 x17



to the One Truth
known by many names









Map to CSE





Yoga helps us to return

to a more authentic

experience of the Self,

expansive, peaceful and

vibrantly alive. 

        -Joyce Anue MS, PT


Dear Yoga Teacher,


If you’re like me, yoga has played an important role in your life.  Besides contributing to physical and emotional health, the teachings and practice of yoga has helped me to find peace, clarify values, spark inspiration or insight.   Many students share with me about how yoga has helped change their lives for the better.  For some it has assisted them in accepting and overcoming serious illness or injury, helped them find solace in the face of deep grief or break patterns of addictive behavior.


For me sharing yoga with others has been a way for my to give back, at least in small measure, a fraction of what I have received, so that others might also benefit from these timeless teachings. 


I am passionate and sincere in my commitment to help support and educate yoga teachers in their efforts to better serve their students.  To that end, I have created an advanced training for yoga teachers ready to take the next step in their personal and professional development.


My intention with this program is to create a supportive network of competent, caring teachers who hold high professional and ethical standards, individuals who are committed to the healing path of yoga and making yoga accessible to everyone regardless of physical abilities.  This training will prepare teachers to work with a broad range of students with different needs and goals.  We will address issues related to the instruction of students with illness (or recovering from serious illness), injuries, age related restrictions and students with other special needs.


The Level Two 500hr Certification Program provides a unique opportunity for teachers to learn from some of the pioneers in the field of yoga and yoga therapy, to individualize their instruction, and hone their skills and create transformative relationships with the students they serve.



Joyce Anue


Joyce Anue, MS, PT

Yoga Educational Seminars (YES)





Location: Center for Spiritual Enlightenment (San Jose) unless otherwise noted

YES yoga teacher training classes will be held at the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment in San Jose, easily accessible by Hwy 880 at the Alameda. To view the Center or for directions, go to





Joyce Anue MS, PT founder and director of the YES Yoga Teacher Training Programs, has been involved with yoga teacher education since 1996.  An orthopedic physical therapist, with over 25 years of yoga practice, and almost as many years teaching yoga, Joyce specializes in the therapeutic applications of yoga asana.

Strongly influenced by her studies with BKS Iyengar and several of his senior teachers, (Ramanand Patel, Judith Lasater and Kofi Busia), she received her Iyengar teaching certification in 1988.  Joyce is further inspired by the work of TKV Desikachar and senior teachers in the viniyoga tradition.  The study and integration of the nondual teachings as shared with her by Richard Miller and Gangaji have also been invaluable in her understanding of yoga.

In her private practice and teaching, Joyce brings decades of experience in body and energy work, and manual medicine and a hands-on approach.  Joyce’s keen understanding of the body mechanically and anatomically is complemented by her empathy, intuition, humor and ability to explore the multidimensional (physical, mental and psycho-spiritual) aspects of yoga.


The training includes a Master Class on the Yoga Sutra with

Ellen Grace O’Brian,MA, the founder and spiritual director of the

Center for Spiritual Enlightenment (CSE).  Rev. O’Brian has been practicing

and sharing the teachings of yoga for over 25 years.






Sundari Jensen offers teachings on meditation, ethics  and yoga philosophy. Sundari has been studying and practicing yoga philosophy for over 15 years. She serves as Meru Seminary Dean at CSE and as adjunct faculty with JFK University.



Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
1146 University Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 • 408-283-0221

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